Thursday, October 11, 2007

10/11 summary

This week, we talked about some characteristics of new media, Hypertext and Dispersal.
Hypertext = which is made up by from discrete units of material in which each one of pathways to other units. the work is a web of connection which the user explores using the navigational aids of the interface design.
user can jump to other keywords or stop and exit anytime they want. it's very easy to move any where. it works with user's association and can't control by producer.
from this book, DR.Bush suggest the idea about 'hypertext' and 'memex' in 1945. It's amazing!!!
'memex' is seems like the basis model of 'PC' and 'World Wide Web'. How can He design that machin in 1945???? unbelievable..
Dispersal=the product of shifts in our relationships with both the consumption and production of media text.

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